Phelps Memorial Hospital Center is a 238-bed acute care community hospital located in Sleepy Hollow, NY offering a broad range of preventative, diagnostic, and treatment services. Their Emergency Department handles over 4,000 pediatric emergency visits annually. Phelps Memorial is now part of Northwell Health.
Phelps Hospital is home to the Hoch Center for Emergency Education which provides a full range of emergency training and education programs to paramedics, EMTs, fire and police departments and other emergency health professionals. Over 1,000 providers from Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess, Rockland and Orange Counties as well as New York City and Long Island participate annually in one or more of the educational offerings at Phelps. The Center offers advanced simulator training on pediatric “patients” which recreate real-life medical emergencies thereby giving all pre-hospital and in-hospital emergency medical care providers the tools to sharpen their skills prior to there being a real life on the line.

CDF donated funds to purchase training equipment for Phelps Readiness for Pediatric and Infant Resuscitation Program including a Lumbar Puncture Manikin Skills Trainer, Neonatal Intubation Skills Trainer, IV Mannequin Arms, Pediatric IV arm, and a Laerdal Infant IV arm trainer.

CDF grant provided funds to purchase a Broselow carts for their emergency department.

CDF provided funds to purchase a Verathon glidescope with pediatric baton which can be used to secure a patient's airway in a critical situation

CDF provided a grant to enable Phelps Memorial to purchase a Family of Task Trainers and a Nursing Kid Pediatric Simulator with trauma modules for their Hoch Center for Emergency Education.

CDF funded the purchase of a Premature Anne simulation mannequin to train professionals in the implementation of proper care and resuscitation of preterm infants.

CDF provided funds to Phelps Hospital to purchase a new tetherless SimBaby and ShockLick System to enable more realistic defibrillator training for infants

CDF donated funds to Phelps Hospital to purchase another SimJunior simulator for their Hoch Center for Emergency Education to increase class sizes and to conduct classes off campus.

CDF provided funds to purchase a SimCart Mobile - a high-quality simulation workstation on wheels. This will enable Phelps to bring simulators off-site to conduct training sessions outside the Center. CDF's grant also paid for mechanical upgrades to existing simulators.

CDF donated a Sim NewB, a newborn simulation manikin designed to meet the training requirements of neonatal emergency and resuscitation courses. The Sim NewB possesses vital signs, breathes and cries like a newborn.

CDF funded the purchase of a pediatric simulation manikin, Sim Junior. Sim Junior is a realistic six year old interactive simulator used in training for life-threatening emergencies.

CDF's grant gave two Pediatric intraosseous infusion (I/O) device training kits. I/O devices provide emergency professionals with vascular access to the central circulation within seconds thereby quickly and safely resuscitating critically ill or injured children.

Pulse Oximeters enable emergency workers to measure and monitor heart rate and oxygen saturation in the blood.

CDF donated two Neopuffs to Phelps Memorial. Neopuff respirators provide resuscitation for premature babies and newborns.

CDF gave two infant beam scales and a Tympanometric Instrument.

CDF provided a grant to purchase a SimBaby mannequin which is used extensively in Pediatric Advanced Life Support education.

CDF donated 3 Braslow Soft Pacs to Phelps Memorial. Broselow Pacs contain color coded pouches with medical equipment that correspond to children's physical dimensions. This portable satchel enables emergency workers to quickly and accurately begin medical treatment.