
CDF Grant Recipient:

Montefiore Mount Vernon Hospital

mountvernon_exteriorMontefiore Mount Vernon Hospital (MVH) is a 176-bed, community-based teaching hospital that has been serving the medical needs of the community and region since its founding in 1891. Montefiore Mount Vernon Hospital provides inpatient, critical care and ambulatory services. The Hospital is part of Montefiore Health System, a premier academic medical center and the University Hospital system for Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

Grants Awarded:
  • Braslow-Cart2002 - Broselow Carts

    CDF donated two Broselow Carts which contain color coded drawers with medical equipment that correspond to children's physical dimensions. This enables emergency workers to quickly and accurately begin medical treatment.

  • Braslow-Cart1998 - Broselow Carts

    Broselow Carts contain color coded drawers with medical equipment that correspond to children's physical dimensions. This enables emergency workers to quickly and accurately begin medical treatment.