
CDF Grant Recipient:

Montefiore Nyack Hospital

Nyack-ERFounded in 1895, Montefiore Nyack Hospital is a 375-bed community acute care medical and surgical hospital located in Rockland County, NY. Montefiore Nyack Hospital is an affiliate of Montefiore Health System.

Montefiore Nyack Hospital has the only dedicated Pediatric emergency room in Rockland County. In 2015, the department treated more than 12,000 children. In addition, the hospital has a Level II Intermediate Care Nursery, several pediatric subspecialty ambulatory clinics, and Rockland County’s only in-patient Pediatric unit.

Grants Awarded:
  • Overhead Infant Warmer2022 - Monitoring Equipment

    CDF provided funds to Montefiore Nyack Hospital to purchase specialized pediatric equipment for their ED, primarily for infants, including an overhead infant warmer, a neonatal resuscitation airway box, a Broselow resuscitation book, balloon extractors for removal of nasal foreign bodies, nasal atomizers for pain-free administration of medications, and a new digital scale and wall growth chart for accurate measurements.

  • Pediatric glidescope2016 - Pediatric Glidescopes

    CDF provided funds to replace the baton on a Glidescope - a life-saving tool in helping to secure a patient's airway in a critical situation.

  • Pulse Oximeter2013 - Pulse Oximeters

    Pulse Oximeters enable emergency workers to measure and monitor heart rate and oxygen saturation in the blood.

  • Pediatric glidescope2012 - Pediatric Glidescopes

    CDF provided funds to purchase a Glidescope - a life-saving tool in helping to secure a patient's airway in a critical situation.

  • Veinlite2011 - Veinlites

    CDF donated a veinlite - a hand-held device that allows emergency workers to quickly and efficiently locate veins.

  • Neopuff Ventilator2009 - Neopuff Infant Respirators

    CDF donated two Neopuffs to Nyack Hospital. Neopuff respirators provide resuscitation for premature babies and newborns.

  • 2002 - Pediatric Treatment Areas

    CDF donated funds towards the construction of a dedicated space for the care of children within their Pediatric Emergency Room.