
CDF Grant Recipient:

Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital

The Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital (MFCH) is a world-class, all-specialty pediatric hospital. Serving 25,000 area children each year, MFCH has the region’s only Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, a Level IV Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, a Pediatric Trauma Center and Pediatric Organ Transplant Center. Every day, nearly 120 seriously ill and injured children who are fighting complex diseases, premature birth or facing life-threatening diseases or injuries are being treated at the facility. Their pediatric emergency team provides 24-hour a day triage support to the area’s other emergency rooms and is always prepared to handle the most severely injured and ill children from around the regions. MFCH is family-centered offering such services as an on-site Ronald McDonald House and Family Resource Center.

MFCH is part of the Westchester Medical Center located in Valhalla, NY.

Grants Awarded:
  • Helmets2019 - Trauma Prevention

    CDF funded the purchase of 1,000 additional helmets to be distributed at health fairs as part of MFCH's Trauma Brain Injury Prevention Program.

  • EVA SANE System2019 - EVA SANE System

    CDF donated a EVA SANE System to their Emergency Room to assist in collecting evidence in sexual assault cases.

  • MF-Bike-Helmets2016 - Trauma Prevention

    CDF funded the purchase of 1,200 additional helmets to be distributed at health fairs as part of MFCH's Trauma Brain Injury Prevention Program.

  • TCI-health-fairs2015 - Trauma Prevention

    CDF's grant paid for Traumatic Brain Injury, car seat and bike safety education at community health fairs. As part of the grant, 1,440 helmets were distributed to income-appropriate families.

  • Veinlite2011 - Veinlites

    CDF donated a two veinlites - a hand-held device that allows emergency workers to quickly and efficiently locate veins.

  • 2005 - Resource and Waiting Rooms for Children

    CDF donated the children's waiting area in the Maria Fareri's Emergency Department.

  • 2004 - Pediatric Treatment Areas

    CDF provided funds for five pediatric treatment rooms in Maria Fareri's Emergency Department.