Vassar Brothers Medical Center is a private, non-profit 365-bed hospital located in Poughkeepsie, NY, that serves the mid-Hudson Valley. Founded in 1887, Vassar Brothers Medical Center is an affiliate of the Health Quest hospital system.
Vassar Brothers offers high-level specialized care for premature or distressed babies in the Hudson Valley’s only Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). The medical center also includes a dedicated pediatric unit. In 2015, 302 babies were cared for in their NICU and over 1,100 children were admitted to their pediatric unit for care.

CDF gave a Panda Warmer to Vassar Brother's Labor and Delivery Department.

CDF donated a two veinlites - a hand-held device that allows emergency workers to quickly and efficiently locate veins.

CDF donated three Neopuffs to Vassar Brothers Medical Center. Neopuff respirators provide resuscitation for premature babies and newborns.

CDF provided funds to purchase the eBroselow-Luten Pediatric System, a web-based interactive color coding system that enables caregivers to speed up determination of medication doses.

CDF's grant enabled 40 Emergency Room nurses to attend a two-day Emergency Nurse Pediatric Certification Course.
CDF renovated four private rooms into pediatric treatment rooms in Vassar Brother's Emergency Department.

Broselow Carts contain color coded drawers with medical equipment that correspond to children's physical dimensions. This enables emergency workers to quickly and accurately begin medical treatment.