Located in Mount Kisco, NY, Northern Westchester Hospital is a 245-bed facility providing a range of services to individuals who live in Northern Westchester, Putnam and Dutchess Counties, NY. Northern Westchester provides a spectrum of acute specialty/sub-specialty care in nearly every clinical area to adults and children on an outpatient, inpatient, and emergency basis. The hospital offers specialized programs for mothers and children including their Prenatal Care Assistance Program.
In 2015, Northern Westchester Hospital treated over 6,000 children in their emergency room.
CDF grant provided funds to purchase three Broselow carts for their emergency and radiology departments.
CDF donated two Phototheraphy Lights to Northern Westchester's Neonatal Department.
CDF donated a veinlite - a hand-held device that allows emergency workers to quickly and efficiently locate veins.
CDF donated three Neopuffs to Northern Westchester Hospital. Neopuff respirators provide resuscitation for premature babies and newborns.
CDF donated a state-of-the-art stretcher/crib bed that provides a safe healing environment for children.
CDF donated a pediatric treatment room in Northern Westchester's Emergency Department.
CDF donated three pediatric vital sign monitors to Northern Westchester Hospital's Emergency Department.