
CDF Grant Recipient:

St. Joseph’s Medical Center

st-josephsSt. Joseph’s Medical Center, located in Yonkers, NY, is one of the largest medical facilities in Westchester County. They operate a 194-bed teaching hospital, two senior housing facilities, a 200-bed nursing home, a 138-bed psychiatric hospital and numerous satellite clinics.

St. Joseph’s Medical Center has one of the busiest Emergency Departments in Westchester County.

Grants Awarded:
  • Veinlite2011 - Veinlites

    CDF donated a two veinlites - a hand-held device that allows emergency workers to quickly and efficiently locate veins.

  • Neopuff Ventilator2010 - Neopuff Infant Respirators

    CDF donated two Neopuffs to St. Joseph's Medical Center. Neopuff respirators provide resuscitation for premature babies and newborns.

  • Neopuff Ventilator2009 - Neopuff Infant Respirators

    Neopuff respirators provide resuscitation for premature babies and newborns.