
CDF Grant Recipient:

Children’s Rehabilitation Center

Childrens Rehabilitation CenterChildren’s Rehabilitation Center is focused on nurturing the physical, intellectual, and social growth of children with disabilities. Located in White Plains, NY, the Center provides outpatient pediatric medical and rehabilitative services to almost 4,000 children annually. Children range in age from birth to 21 years and have a variety of disabilities including cerebral palsy, spina bifida, delayed development and orthopedic impairments. While at the Center, children can receive outpatient physical, occupational and speech therapy.

The Children’s Rehabilitation Center is part of the Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center.

Grants Awarded:
  • motorized-changing-table2013 - Equipment

    CDF grant provided a motorized changing table for Children's Rehabilitation Center's Aquatic Therapy Area. The new changing table with "hands-free" foot control operation gives older children and adolescents the privacy and dignity they deserve when changing their clothes.

  • Childrens-Rehabilitation-Center2012 - Facilities

    CDF grant renovated the changing room facilities at Children's Rehabilitation Center's Aquatic Therapy Center.

  • Ophthamology chair2010 - Equipment

    CDF provided funds for the purchase of an exam chair for the Ophthalmology Suite at the Children's Rehabilitation Center. Eye exams are essential to the overall health and well-being of children with complex neurological disorders as they are more susceptible to vision issues.

  • feeding pump2009 - Equipment

    CDF enabled the purchase of medical equipment for the on-site Nursing Suite including a power table, cabinets, feeding pump, suction machine, stroller, scale and other items.

  • vital-sign-monitor2005 - Equipment

    CDF funded the purchase of three reconditioned vital sign monitors for their on-site medical facility.